
Blatter’s Effigy To Be Burnt At Edenbridge’s Bonfire Party

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Blatter’s Effigy To Be Burnt At Edenbridge’s Bonfire Party

A giant effigy of suspended FIFA President Sepp Blatter will be burnt in the British town of Edenbrige on November 7, during Guy Fawkes Night celebrations.

Blatter’s effigy was erected in a huge field on Wednesday in the south London town and it will be torched this Saturday.

The 36-foot tall sculpture has the outgoing Swiss chief holding a World Cup trophy and a football along with wads of cash.

World football governing body FIFA has been engulfed in allegations of bribery and corruption under Blatter’s presidency, which is set to end in February next year.

“Blatter was the obvious choice,” said Edenbridge Bonfire Society co-ordinator Charles Laver.

“We did put some thought into who else it could be but… we went for him. We started building it two weeks ago, and we are pleased with the result,” he added.


  • Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night, is an annual event that is celebrated by burning effigies of Catholic conspirator Fawkes, who on November 5, 1605 had unsuccessfully attempted to blow up Protestant king James I and the Houses of Parliament.
  • Every year, alongside Fawkes, another effigy of a famous figure is burnt. Previous names that have seen such fiery fate were Tony Blair’s wife Cherie and former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Sepp won’t necessarily be a bad choice. What do you think?


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Ashish Maggo is a sports journalist living in India and he has worked there for reputed media companies such as NDTV, The Times of India Group and Asian News International.

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